If you attempt to install any VOCALOID products using the product's installer/updater, a warning message may appear. The VOCALOID6 installer does not work on my Mac. If ARA2 is enabled, VOCALOID6 follows the DAW tempo without having a tempo map. Set the same tempo map in the VOCALOID6 tempo track and enable it. The playback timing slips at the tempo change point of the DAW. If the VOCALOID starts at BAR 1 of DAW, try to insert the blank bar. Try expanding the VOCALOID part for extra blank. In the case of synthesizing with a particular word, VOCALOID6 requires an extra blank before the top of the first note of the VOCALOID part to emulate human singing behavior. Only the first note is shifted from expected timing. If you have uninstalled the previous version of VOCALOID, please re-install it. The VOCALOID update overwrites existing data, hence the previous version must be installed in order to update VOCALOID. The following error appears: 'VOCALOID6 Editor is not installed. Make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the download code. I got the following message when I download the software: 'Download code is invalid'. How can I synchronize the VOCALOID6 VSTi/AU in the DAW? VOCALOID6 does not have an audio recording function. Drag the WAV file created by an audio editor such as DAW. VOCALO CHANGER will convert the audio source from the audio track. How can I obtain the audio source for VOCALO CHANGER?